In the past year and a bit, working from home has increasingly become the norm and many people are doing it full-time. If you are accustomed to waking up and working in an office environment, then working from home may be a tougher transition than one assumes. With distractions all around you like other relatives, roommates and domestic chores, keeping up with a routine work schedule can be tedious.
We put together this blog post of tips that are helpful in keeping up productivity. We see the working-from-home culture staying for a while in the future, and maintaining work stamina is vital.
Plan Daily
The best way to wake up and start your work day calmly and organised is to plan ahead. Planning the next day the night before is ideal: being anxious and overwhelmed when starting your day with a whole list of tasks only stumps your productivity.
Plan ahead to avoid impediment in your work morale and productivity.
Working Spontaneously
Usually, we tend to focus on certain tasks because of priority or level of difficulty. However, changing this up and working on tasks more spontaneously can help creativity and isn’t too mundane. Set goals for the week, and pick tasks for each day.
Taking Breaks
The way you plan and schedule work tasks should apply to how you plan your breaks: it is crucial to remember that it is not possible to maintain the mental strength at all times of the day, and that you can’t non-stop for a period of time without breaks.
Include short breaks in between tasks and meetings on a daily basis, and make sure to wind down at the end of a work day without having work tasks bleeding into downtime.
Take Care of Yourself
On a daily basis, it is vital to keep in mind that working from home means less movement as you would usually do when commuting to the office. Especially in the mornings: waking up and taking a walk, reading a book or doing some stretching goes a long way in boosting your mood and setting a good tone and feeling for your day ahead.
Remembering to remember yourself during your work week is another crucial aspect of working in order to keep a healthy state of mind and therefore, a healthy work routine.
Ultimately, working from home seems to be our reality for the near future, and while it is quite different to working in an office environment, there are ways to make it work. Everybody’s home environment, routine and lifestyles are different – so finding a groove that suits you is most important.